Scolloped Arch – 454x591mm
$59.70 – $112.50 inc GST
Scolloped Arch
Ready for Signage with our best Quality Acrylic!
Dimensions: ( 454mm x 594mm) With polished edges, your choice of holes for hanging.
Dazzle and wow with these larger Acrylic Panels!
- If no is chosen for holes this will override any other hole option chosen and your acrylic will come with no holes
SKU: scolloped-arch-454x591mm
Categories: Arches, Squiggle, Welcome / Seating Signage
Tags: 900x600, chart, Entry, large, seating, sign, wedding
Discounts for Quantities of 3 - (5% Off), 5 - (7.5% off), 10 - ( 15% off )