Rectangle Earring Blank with Wooden Stand – 150×200

$11.90 inc GST

Acrylic Earring Display Stand to show off your stunning earrings!

Featuring 64 neatly spaced 3mm holes to hold your precious earrings with plenty of room. We’ve left you a nice little space at the top to personalise it!

The perfect combination! A 150x200mm (15cm x 20cm) Acrylic Rectangle,  with a stand specially cut to form a fit like porridge ( Not too tight, not too loose!)


1x Acrylic

1x Wooden Base

These stands are hand crafted and left raw finish for finishing in your own preference, we prefer natural mineral oil, available from Ikea and other hardware shops.

SKU: 150x200-earring-stand Categories: , , ,
Discounts for Quantities of 5- (2% Off), 10- (5% off), 20 - ( 10% off )


Want to see another Colour – request it here!


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